30 day return period on unopened products in their original condition, at your (customer’s) shipping expense. We may charge a restocking fee depending on the item. Please contact us by email and wait for our confirmation before sending us a return item. We appreciate it if in the email you let us know the reason for the return. The 30 day period is measured from the day we ship the item, which is the same day we will send you a shipping confirmation email.
We are not liable for any damage during shipping, that being said, if we believe that an item is defective, or damaged during shipping, we may, at our discretion, allow you (customer) to return the item, or we may refund you for the item. The 30 day period also applies to these cases. If you believe your purchase is in this category please contact us and wait for our confirmation before sending the item to us. It is at our (seller’s) discretion, and if we allow it, we may choose to refund you rather than having you spend the time and money sending it back to us.
In the email please let us know the item, order number, and nature of the problem with the item. We strive to provide positive customer service, but have to balance that against customer negligence.
You can contact us at: